Increíble guion de David Webb Peoples. Todas y cada una de las escenas son memorables.

-You boys better bury old Ned
right... and you better not carve
up nor otherwise harm no
whores... or I will come back an'
kill more sonsabitches, hear?

Me encanta el "sonabitch" todo junto. Mucho mejor que el actual "madafaka". Cuando me di cuenta de que Sawyer, en lost, soltaba seis o siete en cada episodio, no podia evitar recordar a Munny.

Otra de esta pelicula; Tan simple como demoledora.
- Matar a un hombre es algo muy duro. Le quitas todo lo que tiene, y todo lo que podría tener.

Pero una de las cosas que mas me gustan, por contener la esencia de la historia; es algo tan sencillo como los textos que abren y cierran la pelicula;

Of good family, albeit one of
modest means, she was a comely
young woman and not without
prospects. Therefore it was at
once heartbreaking and astonishing
to her mother that she would enter
into marriage with William Munny, a
known thief and murderer, a man of
notoriously vicious and intemperate

... ... ...

WRITTEN WORDS (crawl cont'd)
Some years later, Mrs. Ansonia
Feathers made the arduous journey
to Hodgeman County to visit the
last resting place of her only

And there was nothing on the stone
to explain to Mrs. Feathers why
her only daughter had married a
known thief and murderer, a man of
notoriously vicious and
intemperate disposition.

tirad de translator, que yo tampoco se americano.