
Iniciado por
Laia Ramos
Esta es la buena....
Angels fall to the floor
Like they would if I was captain
Silver children, She roared
I'm not the son of God
Somebody help me sing
Can anybody hear me?
Liars and lovers combine tonight
We're gonna make a scene
Somebody help me sing
Somebody help me sing
Help me be captain of
Our crippled disguises
I won't show what's underneath
It's time for surprises
I can't climb up your ladder
I can't ride your horse
I've swallowed half an hourglass
So now the landscape is swollen up
I gave birth to a fire
It's like it's features where burning
I'm in control, I am the son of God
Somebody help me sing
Can anybody hear me?
Line up your soldiers one final time
We're gonna have a ball
Somebody help me sing
Somebody help me sing
Help me be captain of
Our crippled disguises
I won't show what's underneath
It's time for surprises
I can't climb up your ladder
I can't ride your horse
I've swallowed half an hourglass
So now the landscape is swollen up
Esta la clasificaría mejor en canciones para reflexionar o algo así.
Gracias por el descubrimiento. Me ha encantado.

Iniciado por
El niño de la pelota
Holes, dug by little moles
Angry jealous spies
Got telephones for eyes
Come to you as
All those endless ends
That can't be tied
Oh they make me laugh
And always make me cry
'til they drop like flies
And sink like polished stones
Of all the stones I throw
How does that old song go
How does that old song go
Los viejos rockeros nunca mueren. Me pasé media infancia moviendo el mástil de una guitarra imaginaria. Oh yeah!!
Membresia 3 Estrellas
I rather be sailing....................
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