so just to present myself here. Have been living near Malaga for half a year. Sometimes visit Barcelona for the the fun that this forum is about and sometimes Madrid. I can read Spanish, but can not write in it yet so well, so hope if sometimes i comment in English, thats ok. Think Spain is one of the top destinations for Escorts and adult fun. Second best for me is Prague. Beautiful, cheap prices etc. But still I love Spanish women and lating looking ones aswell.
An no moderators, im not a spammer, I write in English because i feel a bit more comfortable that way .
All the best,
So, why do you use webs to hide your ip?
And because your font is different?
Copy and paste from a translator?
I kill you tomorrow, after lunch.
Porque escondes tu ip utilizando una web proxy?
Y porque tu tipo de letra parece copiado y pegado de un traductor?
Te voy a banear después de los dolores, uapu.
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I chose the Georgian font as its easier to read. No i do not use translator for English language purpose. And why use proxy server? I think that´s something everyone should use, if you do not wish your ISP to look at your activities online. Tomorrow after lunch is fine
Its very interesting, weather i write something about Prague, Portugal, Spain. Moderator always changes the text, even if there is no links to it. There was a topic about the Portugal escort scene, i referred to a agency which is good. It got changed.
Then i write a good big topic about Prague and like 4 different places which are all competitors, this gets changed. Interesting. Why such paranoia? People give direct links to websites, and new user can not even post about experience or club names, or girl names even for that sake? I am a member of many other similar forums, and never have i ever seen such paranoia
Pues go to the esos similar forums, porque aquí no nos chupamos el finger.
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