Mas o menos...
Pero tu crees que si un dia hablas claro; te puede dar un dolor fuerte que te deje doblao? O algo asin?
fregona, mira que cancion mas maja tencontrao....
Última edición por leif eriksson; 13/06/2011 a las 20:17 Razón: our hopes and expectations....black holes and revelations, yeah
asias leifito, mencantan muse. Otra más, pa los histéricos...
Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead
Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead
Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
Don’t let yourself down
Don’t let yourself go
Your last chance has arrived
Best, you've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
pse, a que sus meto el origin of symmetry entero en mi peaso hilo y a yutubs ?
Saca pecho. Chupapollas!
Que me va a tocar cambiarme el avatar otra vez no? Jo, que sacrificada me estoy volviendo, entre las chupaitas gratis y los avatares, no se cuando voy a ahorrar pa publicar mi primer libro "por donde chupan las fregonas"
voy a fregar mi chupa de cuero.....
luego ire a por la moto....
no coño, que no tengo.....ire a por el patinete....
en su defecto, a por el saltapic....
aquellos maravillosos 80,
mierda, se ma jodio el yutub....
voy a por un cocktail margarita de esos, eso cuando pueda levantarme del sofa.....