En una de las canciones de la película no hacen mas que repetir que "tal cosa" es la palabra.
Igual lo dice cien veces!!!
Una pista:
Es la canción favorita de Peter Griffin.
Mitica cancion, si .....
Membresia 4 Estrellas

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Bird is the word
2 masunos para Josebcn,
Última edición por leif eriksson; 23/09/2012 a las 21:02
Razón: http://www.coveralia.com/letras/surfin--bird---the-trashmen-bso-la-chaqueta-metalica-(full-metal-jacket).php
Me acabo de dar cuenta de que no me funciona el sonido...
Well everybody's heard about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Everybody's heard about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Don't you know about the bird?
Well everybody's heard about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Yeah !
Well everybody's heard, about the bird !
Everybody's heard, about the bird !
Everybody's heard, about the bird !
Everybody's heard, about the bird !
Don't you know about the bird?
Well everybody's heard, about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Yeah!
Well everybody's heard, about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Well everybody's heard, about the bird !
Yeah everybody's heard, about the bird !
Everybody's heard, about the bird !
Don't you know about the bird?
Well everybody's heard, about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Go!!
Everybody's heard, about the bird !
[Repeat 8 times]
Everybody's heard about the bird !
Everybody's heard about ... bird !
Kelembor.......................40 pts
Josebcn.........................25 pts
Mcqueen........................23 pts
peraperet.......................22 pts
Sweetman......................22 pts
Berto Soriano.................15 pts
defcontwo......................12 pts
leif eriksson....................12 pts
wayrunner................. ....10 pts
el demonio rojo................9 pts
rabocam..........................8 pts
Tommy............................7 pts
Mardi gras........................5 pts
eolo.................................4 pts
Wetzel.............................3 pts
Alexyz.............................2 pts
Demat.............................1 pt.
Membresia 4 Estrellas
Que actor trabajó en la Chaqueta metálica y en Apocalypse Now?
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