Propuesta de cooperación
Estoy Antonis de la aplicación naughtycities ( www.naughtycities.com , https://market.android.com/details?id=sf.nc ) .
Estamos buscando socios en España con el fin de hacer crecer nuestra aplicación. Cualquiera que pudiera estar interesado, por favor lea lo siguiente
We are currently looking for partners in order to grow the application faster. Our basic goal is to add more cities in the application. That's why we are offering a revenue share model. In few worlds we can give you access in order to add naughty places and naughty services in every city you wish and you will get 50% from every advertisement of this city . This is for every advertisement and for ever!
You will have full access to our administrator system and of course full control of the city you are interesting.
Please let me know if this interests you and we can further explore a deal info@naughtycities.com
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