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Tema: Ada Planes, agradable delicia

  1. #11
    Fecha de Ingreso
    24 mar, 12
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes
    I have been reading a lot about good experience storied with her, and I decided to see her for an hour session. You know, all the 'very pretty, nice and charming personality, her friendliness and most importantly her soft skin and her angel's face!" All these had convinced me that I should try her.

    All set, I was on my way, expecting something spectacular, a model with soft skin and angel's face.

    My experience was exactly the opposite to all what other said (now this let me to wonder if it was actually her who made all these comments herself and for herself.)

    Now, come my frank comments:

    1. I will never go back to her again.
    2. She smokes
    3. She's not at all pretty, and doesn't have angel's face. Neither was her skin soft.
    4. She's too chubby, her waste is far too big than size 60
    5. There was a hole in her room and I heard she talked to a guy (but she said there was no guy in her flat)
    6. Disgustingly, her room was not clean, I got bitten by a strange insect. The wound that stays with me for several ws.

    Do not use her service, you will regret!


  2. #12
    KKK está desconectado
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de KKK
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 ago, 09
    En la oscuridad de la noche
    Agradecido 515 veces en 359 mensajes
    Cita Iniciado por newinbcn Ver Mensaje
    I have been reading a lot about good experience storied with her, and I decided to see her for an hour session. You know, all the 'very pretty, nice and charming personality, her friendliness and most importantly her soft skin and her angel's face!" All these had convinced me that I should try her.

    All set, I was on my way, expecting something spectacular, a model with soft skin and angel's face.

    My experience was exactly the opposite to all what other said (now this let me to wonder if it was actually her who made all these comments herself and for herself.)

    Now, come my frank comments:

    1. I will never go back to her again.
    2. She smokes
    3. She's not at all pretty, and doesn't have angel's face. Neither was her skin soft.
    4. She's too chubby, her waste is far too big than size 60
    5. There was a hole in her room and I heard she talked to a guy (but she said there was no guy in her flat)
    6. Disgustingly, her room was not clean, I got bitten by a strange insect. The wound that stays with me for several ws.

    Do not use her service, you will regret!

    Pero esto qué eeeees?

    Si Ada es de lo mejor de BCN!!!
    Cuanto más conozco las personas, más me gustan los animales

  3. #13
    KKK está desconectado
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de KKK
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 ago, 09
    En la oscuridad de la noche
    Agradecido 515 veces en 359 mensajes
    Serà el mismo que la quiere desaceditar y va y ahora lo hace en ingles, para disimular???
    Cuanto más conozco las personas, más me gustan los animales

  4. #14
    Membresia 3 Estrellas
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    12 ene, 11
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    How do you say "troll" in Spanish?

  5. #15
    KKK está desconectado
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de KKK
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    08 ago, 09
    En la oscuridad de la noche
    Agradecido 515 veces en 359 mensajes
    Que baneen a este tio, pero ya.

    Es la segunda vez que Ada recibe un post así y la pobre no gana para disgustos.

    Cuanto más conozco las personas, más me gustan los animales

  6. #16
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de Iñaky
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    26 ene, 11
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    Agradecido 381 veces en 278 mensajes
    De acuerdo contigo Lobo, pero yo lo que intentaría es a Ada decirle que pase de chorradas de ese tipo.

    Es cierto que hay chicas que se llevan unos disgustos de la hostia por comentarios que tienen un valor ínfimo, y yo en alguno de esos casos lo que les digo es que pasen de ello, total es el fomite de un "pobre putero", aunque en ocasiones puede ser las cariñosas ganas de desacreditar de alguna compi ..

    Enfin Ada aúpa y ni caso, y demuestra tu lo que vales, lo demás son chorradas

  7. #17
    KKK está desconectado
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de KKK
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 ago, 09
    En la oscuridad de la noche
    Agradecido 515 veces en 359 mensajes
    Es que todo el que ha catado esta deliciosa mujer no puede más que dejarse llevar por bellos recuerdos cuando ella aflora en su mente.

    Aupa Ada!!!
    Cuanto más conozco las personas, más me gustan los animales

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