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Tema: Gisele de TopModelsBCN

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  1. #1
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 oct, 07
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    Thumbs down Gisele de TopModelsBCN

    Hi Friends: First – my apologies for the bad Spanish – I have some, but not enough to express everything I want to say, so I use a translator. In any case, I hope you can learn from my experience.

    * Name "artistic" Gisela / Gisele
    * Nationality: Argentina
    * Age: ~ 20
    * Physical description: ("real photos / retouched?) Like the photos – average in the face – great body
    * Assessment of the girl (his physical) 8.5
    Clothing: bikini with skirt. Brassiere, Panties, and Heels
    Tattoos: I saw nothing
    Smoker: I did not notice anything

    * Phone: 649-351-489
    * Web / Notice: Galería de la escort y modelo Gisela |
    * Also: **GISELE**18 AÑITOS REALES***PECHO 100... *|*Anuncios EróTicos*|*Barcelona
    * Address: (Is parking easy?) C/ Llanca

    Small and very warm flat with several rooms – shared with other girls
    Rating: 5

    * Date of experience: 07/30/2010
    * Rate contract: 150 € 60 min.
    * Kisses?: Only with mouth closed like a trap
    * Cunilingus?: Yes
    * Anal sex?: No

    Summary of the meeting:
    Really it’s my mistake (#1) – I should have seen the game from the beginning. I called 1 hours before and spoke with the girl who told me she was Gisele. I asked clearly for the price and service (oral without, two relations, etc.). When I arrived (freshly showered – neatly dressed), I gave the girl who met me my name and told her I was there to see Gisele. She escorted me to a room and a few minutes later a older and not attractive girl came into the room and introduced herself to me as Gisele. I protested and she left and told me to wait (again). Some minutes later, the real Gisele entered. On the positive, she is exactly like the pictures, but this was the only benefit for the time. The story continues….
    So, after she enters the room, we chat in my broken Spanish for a couple minutes – she seems to understand fine. And now my next mistake (#2) - I didn’t ask again about the service before giving her the money. After giving her the agreed price, she left and came back a few minutes later. We started to talk again in my broken Spanish (again with only minimal problem). When I asked for oral she reached for the condom. When I protested, she suddenly couldn’t understand my Spanish. I am disappointed, but decide to press ahead – it never got better. She is cold as a fish. If you try to kiss her, her mouth is closed like a trap. She doesn’t move, during sex, will not look at you.
    Final assessment: (best / worst thing) is quite good, face and body. But you can get the same from the internet. If you want honesty and involvement from a girl – look somewhere else.
    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas untitled1.bmp   untitled2.bmp  

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