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Tema: Gisele de TopModelsBCN

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  1. #1
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 oct, 07
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes

    Thumbs down Gisele de TopModelsBCN

    Hi Friends: First – my apologies for the bad Spanish – I have some, but not enough to express everything I want to say, so I use a translator. In any case, I hope you can learn from my experience.

    * Name "artistic" Gisela / Gisele
    * Nationality: Argentina
    * Age: ~ 20
    * Physical description: ("real photos / retouched?) Like the photos – average in the face – great body
    * Assessment of the girl (his physical) 8.5
    Clothing: bikini with skirt. Brassiere, Panties, and Heels
    Tattoos: I saw nothing
    Smoker: I did not notice anything

    * Phone: 649-351-489
    * Web / Notice: Galería de la escort y modelo Gisela |
    * Also: **GISELE**18 AÑITOS REALES***PECHO 100... *|*Anuncios EróTicos*|*Barcelona
    * Address: (Is parking easy?) C/ Llanca

    Small and very warm flat with several rooms – shared with other girls
    Rating: 5

    * Date of experience: 07/30/2010
    * Rate contract: 150 € 60 min.
    * Kisses?: Only with mouth closed like a trap
    * Cunilingus?: Yes
    * Anal sex?: No

    Summary of the meeting:
    Really it’s my mistake (#1) – I should have seen the game from the beginning. I called 1 hours before and spoke with the girl who told me she was Gisele. I asked clearly for the price and service (oral without, two relations, etc.). When I arrived (freshly showered – neatly dressed), I gave the girl who met me my name and told her I was there to see Gisele. She escorted me to a room and a few minutes later a older and not attractive girl came into the room and introduced herself to me as Gisele. I protested and she left and told me to wait (again). Some minutes later, the real Gisele entered. On the positive, she is exactly like the pictures, but this was the only benefit for the time. The story continues….
    So, after she enters the room, we chat in my broken Spanish for a couple minutes – she seems to understand fine. And now my next mistake (#2) - I didn’t ask again about the service before giving her the money. After giving her the agreed price, she left and came back a few minutes later. We started to talk again in my broken Spanish (again with only minimal problem). When I asked for oral she reached for the condom. When I protested, she suddenly couldn’t understand my Spanish. I am disappointed, but decide to press ahead – it never got better. She is cold as a fish. If you try to kiss her, her mouth is closed like a trap. She doesn’t move, during sex, will not look at you.
    Final assessment: (best / worst thing) is quite good, face and body. But you can get the same from the internet. If you want honesty and involvement from a girl – look somewhere else.
    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas Gisele de TopModelsBCN-untitled1.bmp   Gisele de TopModelsBCN-untitled2.bmp  

  2. #2
    Membresia 2 Estrellas
    Fecha de Ingreso
    22 mar, 09
    Agradecido 1 vez en 1 mensaje
    vince_864, I am sorry to hear your disappointing experience with Gisela of "top models bcn". If you read a little more on the experiences of our members, next time you can choose an escort with better references and a girl who is accredited by various senior members. Of course this is no guarantee, but the service is likely to be better, as long as you also put in the expected behaviour by the local escorts.

  3. #3
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 feb, 11
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes

    office 2007 sale

    Hi,I have just purchased Microsoft Office 2007 Generator. Now what I want to know is, how many times can this Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 be activated on the same Office 2007 Pro Serial machine?
    Like I understand that Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus License can be activated an unlimited number of times if it is on the same machine, but after 5 times you call Office 2007 Enterprise Update Key each time.

  4. #4
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de jomen
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 mar, 10
    Agradecido 334 veces en 302 mensajes
    Cita Iniciado por vince_864 Ver Mensaje
    Hi Friends: First – my apologies for the bad Spanish – I have some, but not enough to express everything I want to say, so I use a translator. In any case, I hope you can learn from my experience.

    * Name "artistic" Gisela / Gisele
    * Nationality: Argentina
    * Age: ~ 20
    * Physical description: ("real photos / retouched?) Like the photos – average in the face – great body
    * Assessment of the girl (his physical) 8.5
    Clothing: bikini with skirt. Brassiere, Panties, and Heels
    Tattoos: I saw nothing
    Smoker: I did not notice anything

    * Phone: 649-351-489
    * Web / Notice: Galería de la escort y modelo Gisela |
    * Also: **GISELE**18 AÑITOS REALES***PECHO 100... *|*Anuncios EróTicos*|*Barcelona
    * Address: (Is parking easy?) C/ Llanca

    Small and very warm flat with several rooms – shared with other girls
    Rating: 5

    * Date of experience: 07/30/2010
    * Rate contract: 150 € 60 min.
    * Kisses?: Only with mouth closed like a trap
    * Cunilingus?: Yes
    * Anal sex?: No

    Summary of the meeting:
    Really it’s my mistake (#1) – I should have seen the game from the beginning. I called 1 hours before and spoke with the girl who told me she was Gisele. I asked clearly for the price and service (oral without, two relations, etc.). When I arrived (freshly showered – neatly dressed), I gave the girl who met me my name and told her I was there to see Gisele. She escorted me to a room and a few minutes later a older and not attractive girl came into the room and introduced herself to me as Gisele. I protested and she left and told me to wait (again). Some minutes later, the real Gisele entered. On the positive, she is exactly like the pictures, but this was the only benefit for the time. The story continues….
    So, after she enters the room, we chat in my broken Spanish for a couple minutes – she seems to understand fine. And now my next mistake (#2) - I didn’t ask again about the service before giving her the money. After giving her the agreed price, she left and came back a few minutes later. We started to talk again in my broken Spanish (again with only minimal problem). When I asked for oral she reached for the condom. When I protested, she suddenly couldn’t understand my Spanish. I am disappointed, but decide to press ahead – it never got better. She is cold as a fish. If you try to kiss her, her mouth is closed like a trap. She doesn’t move, during sex, will not look at you.
    Final assessment: (best / worst thing) is quite good, face and body. But you can get the same from the internet. If you want honesty and involvement from a girl – look somewhere else.
    Hola amigos: En primer lugar - mis disculpas por el mal español - Tengo algunas, pero no lo suficiente para expresar todo lo que quiero decir, así que usar un traductor. En cualquier caso, espero que puedan aprender de mi experiencia.

    * Nombre "artístico" Gisela / Gisele
    * Nacionalidad: Argentina
    * Edad: ~ 20
    * Descripción física: (? Fotos reales / retocadas) Al igual que las fotos - media en la cara - gran cuerpo
    * Evaluación de la niña (su físico) 8.5
    Ropa: bikini con falda. Sujetador, bragas y tacones
    Tatuajes: No vi nada
    Fumador: No noté nada

    * Teléfono: 649-351-489
    * Web / Anuncio: Galería de la escolta y Modelo Gisela |
    * También: GISELE ** ** 18 AÑITOS REALES *** PECHO 100 ... * | * Anuncios Eróticos * | Barcelona *
    * Dirección: (¿Es fácil encontrar aparcamiento?) C / Llançà

    Pequeño y muy cálido piso con varias habitaciones - compartido con otras chicas
    Calificación: 5

    * Fecha de la experiencia: 07/30/2010
    * Precio del contrato: 150 € 60 min.
    * Besos: Sólo con la boca cerrada como una trampa
    * Cunilingus: Sí
    * El sexo anal: No

    Resumen de la reunión:
    En realidad es mi error (# 1) - que debería haber visto el juego desde el principio. Llamé a una hora antes y habló con la chica que me dijo que estaba Gisele. Le pregunté claramente por el precio y el servicio (oral sin, dos relaciones, etc.) Cuando llegué (recién duchado - bien vestido), me dio la chica que me encontró mi nombre y le dije que estaba allí para ver a Gisele. Ella me acompañó a una habitación y unos minutos más tarde una niña de más edad y no atractiva entró en la habitación y se presentó a mí como Gisele. Yo protesté y se fue y me dijo que esperara (de nuevo). Algunos minutos más tarde, el real Gisele entró. En lo positivo, que es exactamente igual a las fotos, pero este fue el único beneficio que por el momento. La historia continúa ....
    Así, después de que ella entra en la habitación, charlamos en mi mal español por un par de minutos - que parece entender bien. Y ahora mi siguiente error (# 2) - No volver a preguntar sobre el servicio antes de darle el dinero. Después de darle el precio acordado, se fue y regresó unos minutos más tarde. Empezamos a hablar de nuevo en mi mal español (de nuevo con sólo un mínimo problema). Cuando le pregunté para administración oral que llegó para el preservativo. Cuando protesté, de repente no podía entender mi español. Estoy decepcionado, pero deciden seguir adelante - nunca mejor que nunca. Ella es fría como un pez. Si intenta besarla, la boca se cierra como una trampa. Ella no se mueve, durante el acto sexual, no te miran.
    Evaluación final: (lo mejor / peor) es muy buena cara, y el cuerpo. Pero usted puede conseguir lo mismo de Internet. Si quieres la honestidad y la participación de una niña - buscar en otra parte.

    Leer fonéticamenteDiccionario - Ver diccionario detallado

    El auténtico amigo es el que lo sabe todo sobre ti y sigue siendo tu amigo.

  5. #5
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de wayrunner
    Fecha de Ingreso
    26 ago, 08
    Agradecido 424 veces en 317 mensajes
    ¿????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????

  6. #6
    Membresia 4 Estrellas Avatar de blue valentine
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 jul, 08
    Cualquier playa
    Agradecido 116 veces en 111 mensajes
    Jomen, te aburres?
    everytime you close your eyes
    lies, lies!
    everytime you close your eyes
    lies, lies!

  7. #7
    Membresia 2 Estrellas Avatar de robert.trujillo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    24 feb, 08
    Agradecido 32 veces en 19 mensajes
    What a held is that¿?¿?

    At least hubiera spanglisheado a little bato... quesque asi don't get it mucho ....

    See U carnales !!!!!

  8. #8
    Membresia 2 Estrellas Avatar de magno
    Fecha de Ingreso
    16 jun, 09
    Agradecido 30 veces en 30 mensajes
    Bad luck vince_864,

    Better next time call an independent escort.
    I think it's better to talk directly with the escort and not a "Madame"...

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