sí, sí, entiendo...
totalmente deacuerdo...
¿La parte dónde se traducían los textos en otros idiomas?...
sí, sí, entiendo...
totalmente deacuerdo...
¿La parte dónde se traducían los textos en otros idiomas?...
Perdón por la guasa pero es que no me he podido contener...
¡como nos salga aqui un japonés o alguien hablando esperanto nos vamos aquedar con esta cara![]()
: !
Aix... y con todo aún no sabemos si nuestra estimada amiga se hizo con "el botín" (o sea, Hamilton) :wink:
jejeje, pues creeme que no sería nada raro...Iniciado por Belle de nuit
y ya de paso que nos traduzca esto un poco:
Registrado: 13 Nov 2006
Mensajes: 4
Publicado: Mie of May 16, 2007 5:46 am Asunto: Re: Russian of thread of for of russian of escorts in Of barcelona
Francizcka of escribi:
_irina of escribi:
Francizcka of escribi:
[Ukra]ї[na] of [potrebu]є of [sv]і[zho]ї of [krov]і. Ї[y] of [vkray] of [neobkh]і[dna] is new [fakhova] of [byurokrat]і[ya], in [krashchomu] of [rozum]і[nn]і of [tsogo] word, [v]і[dpov]і[dno] to [vimog] that [viklik]і[v] of [derzhavi], yak of [pryamu]є to Є[vropi].
[Kadroviy] Of [re]є[str] - C your chance of [naresht]і to [zayaviti] about to itself yak about [profes]і[onala], [g]і[dnogo] to [ob]і[ymati] [nayvishch]і plant into [derzhav]і, wide of [zagalov]і of [nebayduzhikh] [ekspert]і[v], [profes]і[onal]і[v], [zhurnal]і[st]і[v], is simple [susp]і[lno] of [aktivnikh] [gromadyan]. C of [spos]і[b] to [v]і[dkriti] for to itself [nov]і to [gorizonti] [sp]і[lkuvann]і have z [timi], [khto] to [bachit] need into [onovlenn]і of [vladi] і of [ma]є to [mozhliv]і[st] to [vplivati] on Tsay [protses].
[Zare]є[struytes] to І[dealn]і[y] Of [kra]ї[n]і, to [v]і[zm]і[t] to [aktivnu] lot in її of [zhitt]і, [naroshchuyte] [sv]і[y] rating, і become the [ukra]ї[nskim] official of [novo]ї Dobi.
To go into Istanbul to Easter - the strange solution. To celebrate Christ's resurrection is possible in Jerusalem, where, according to bible, it occurred, it is possible in the center of Catholic church, in Rome, and it is possible also in Moscow, where the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates widely, pompously and beautifully. Although the Moscow festivals can be looked on the television set, especially because rescuer you nevertheless will not fall into Christ's temple - protection will not release.
Istanbul now little resembles byzantine [Konstantinopol]. This is the Moslem city, in life of which Christian communities do not play any significant role.
But I arrived to Istanbul in order to meet Easter in the Armenian church and to see, as lives to Armenian community after journalist Grant's murder [Dinka], which stirred the Turkish society in January of this year. But then my way lies at vans, where I will attempt to see the restored temple Of [akhtamar] and to be dismantled at the contradictions, which surround restoration and discovery of temple.
Here - my photographs and impression from Istanbul - the city, where the eighty-thousandth Armenian community to this day lives.
Whom I must forgive today? This question to me came to mind on [Proshchenoe] Sunday, when already third pancake was given to me. In England who- t. p - previous of [pechet] pancakes on Tuesday on the oiled w, but we do not have this expanded holiday as the Russian carnival: the different tempting dainties, bellows and round-dances, the burning of the effigy of winter, the sun and the first signs of spring.
If such heathen customs unite people in this light, then orthodox traditions accompany them in the spiritual peace. My father died 24 years ago, and it seems to me that I began all less about it to recall. On the contrary, in Russia man does not manage to forget close dead persons - on the ninth day after decease, on the fortieth, then in the days death and generation of deceased each year, as if it still in the living.
Moreover in Russia there are unique superstitions. Yesterday to me to the window-sill, in Belyayev, pigeon arrived flying and it looked to me through the window. Bird did not knock in the glass-, simply it sat and was heated by the rare heat of the winter sun, but I could not but think: what did happen?
Earlier I could without ceremony shake to someone the hand through the threshold, and not to note that it presented to the mistress of house 10, and not 9 or 11 colors. However, with the wolves to live - on- wolf to howl: being in Russia I I turn more than attention to such superstitions, it is at least subconsious. Recently I returned home from half way after the forgotten thing and caught itself on what he looked into the mirror before the output.
Nevertheless, after six years of stay in Russia I can solidly say that I am not completely superstitious. But there can be I not rights? If I only knew about the consequences, then never he would sit down himself at the angle of table. Last wto me were carried out 42 years, and I am not still married.
However this was, give let us sit down at the table where conveniently, let us place teapot and will drink together tea. Still one pancake? Why no? But first forgive me, if you please, and god will forgive you. Let us sow what, then [pozhnem]
Failure was justified by the fact that conducting procession would destroy rights and interests of other citizens.
The organizers of action declared, that the procession is planned exceptionally as human rights, but not as carnival.
It was necessary to solve parade after the city, on the vacant land, where the sex- minorities would be in sight only in those, who desire on them [smotret].[Soglasen] itself almost completely. To advertise sexual minorities in the daytime among the city on the eyes in children - is absolutely amoral. But not all so is unambiguous with the adult. Much whom much what does not please itself, and much coma on much what does not please itself to look. If we attempt ourselves to please to all, much that is what [priydetsya] to forbid.
Singer discharged the dancer, with whom to her assign romantic relations. Christine [Orbakayte], after becoming official the wife of the American of the Russian origin of Mikhail [Zemtsov], was placed point in the relations with another man. As known your DAY from the reliable sources became, Christine discharged dancer Vasiliy [Rutka], with whom her long-standing relations connected.
Stately young person appeared in the association [Orbakayte] as and many other dancers it it arrived from the show- ballet Of [todes] at the end of the 90's. But the relations between the famous singer and the daughter Of [ally] By [pugachevoy] and no one not well-known boy from the deaf Belorussian village were tied not immediately.
Young people, which is called, for long looked at each other. Likable young person, which by several years younger Cristina, drew her attention. And sequential time, when in singer arose differences with the then husband by Ruslan [Baysarov], VA proved to be a number.
Specifically, this young person became the reason for the very widespread scandal between [Orbakayte] and [Baysarovym], which led to the crash of their family life. Then at the presentation of the new album of singer May in the entertaining complex crystal Ruslan became the random witness of that how his own wife he flirts with the dancer. The reaction Of [baysarova] to that seen was sharp. The point was set on this in their family life. But here relations with The the [vasey], on the contrary, had a continuation.
Soon after [Orbakayte] it parted with The the [baysarovym], they with Vasiliy ceased to hide their relations from other members of the association.
They frequently together left from the concerts and the surveys. But after a certain time Of [rutka] went to the increase it he became the administrator of the dear singer. [Alla] Of [borisovna] was categorically against this attachment of daughter, but to change situation when entire its desired and influence on Cristina it did not can.
Thus it continued until in the life of Cristina appears Mikhail [Zemtsov] and it becomes understandable that these are fleeting novel, but the relations, which in the course of time can end by wedding. [Misha] began not only everywhere to accompany [Orbakayte] in Moscow, but also to drive with it on the tour. In Cristina and [Vasi] remained only working relations. It continued further to work with Cristina. But when Christine it officially married [Zemtsova], it made the decision difficult for itself to discharge Vasiliy. Young person disappeared from the life of well-known singer so unnoticeably as appeared.
Volver of arriba
Registrado: 29 Oct 2006
Mensajes: 90
Ubicacin: Barcelona
Publicado: Mie of May 16, 2007 1:27 pm Asunto: Re: Russian of thread of for of russian of escorts in Of barcelona
maryana of escribi:
Francizcka of escribi:
_irina of escribi:
Francizcka of escribi:
[Ukra]ї[na] of [potrebu]є of [sv]і[zho]ї of [krov]і. Ї[y] of [vkray] of [neobkh]і[dna] is new [fakhova] of [byurokrat]і[ya], in [krashchomu] of [rozum]і[nn]і of [tsogo] word, [v]і[dpov]і[dno] to [vimog] that [viklik]і[v] of [derzhavi], yak of [pryamu]є to Є[vropi].
[Kadroviy] Of [re]є[str] - C your chance of [naresht]і to [zayaviti] about to itself yak about [profes]і[onala], [g]і[dnogo] to [ob]і[ymati] [nayvishch]і plant into [derzhav]і, wide of [zagalov]і of [nebayduzhikh] [ekspert]і[v], [profes]і[onal]і[v], [zhurnal]і[st]і[v], is simple [susp]і[lno] of [aktivnikh] [gromadyan]. C of [spos]і[b] to [v]і[dkriti] for to itself [nov]і to [gorizonti] [sp]і[lkuvann]і have z [timi], [khto] to [bachit] need into [onovlenn]і of [vladi] і of [ma]є to [mozhliv]і[st] to [vplivati] on Tsay [protses].
[Zare]є[struytes] to І[dealn]і[y] Of [kra]ї[n]і, to [v]і[zm]і[t] to [aktivnu] lot in її of [zhitt]і, [naroshchuyte] [sv]і[y] rating, і become the [ukra]ї[nskim] official of [novo]ї Dobi.
To go into Istanbul to Easter - the strange solution. To celebrate Christ's resurrection is possible in Jerusalem, where, according to bible, it occurred, it is possible in the center of Catholic church, in Rome, and it is possible also in Moscow, where the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates widely, pompously and beautifully. Although the Moscow festivals can be looked on the television set, especially because rescuer you nevertheless will not fall into Christ's temple - protection will not release.
Istanbul now little resembles byzantine [Konstantinopol]. This is the Moslem city, in life of which Christian communities do not play any significant role.
But I arrived to Istanbul in order to meet Easter in the Armenian church and to see, as lives to Armenian community after journalist Grant's murder [Dinka], which stirred the Turkish society in January of this year. But then my way lies at vans, where I will attempt to see the restored temple Of [akhtamar] and to be dismantled at the contradictions, which surround restoration and discovery of temple.
Here - my photographs and impression from Istanbul - the city, where the eighty-thousandth Armenian community to this day lives.
Whom I must forgive today? This question to me came to mind on [Proshchenoe] Sunday, when already third pancake was given to me. In England who- t. p - previous of [pechet] pancakes on Tuesday on the oiled w, but we do not have this expanded holiday as the Russian carnival: the different tempting dainties, bellows and round-dances, the burning of the effigy of winter, the sun and the first signs of spring.
If such heathen customs unite people in this light, then orthodox traditions accompany them in the spiritual peace. My father died 24 years ago, and it seems to me that I began all less about it to recall. On the contrary, in Russia man does not manage to forget close dead persons - on the ninth day after decease, on the fortieth, then in the days death and generation of deceased each year, as if it still in the living.
Moreover in Russia there are unique superstitions. Yesterday to me to the window-sill, in Belyayev, pigeon arrived flying and it looked to me through the window. Bird did not knock in the glass-, simply it sat and was heated by the rare heat of the winter sun, but I could not but think: what did happen?
Earlier I could without ceremony shake to someone the hand through the threshold, and not to note that it presented to the mistress of house 10, and not 9 or 11 colors. However, with the wolves to live - on- wolf to howl: being in Russia I I turn more than attention to such superstitions, it is at least subconsious. Recently I returned home from half way after the forgotten thing and caught itself on what he looked into the mirror before the output.
Nevertheless, after six years of stay in Russia I can solidly say that I am not completely superstitious. But there can be I not rights? If I only knew about the consequences, then never he would sit down himself at the angle of table. Last wto me were carried out 42 years, and I am not still married.
However this was, give let us sit down at the table where conveniently, let us place teapot and will drink together tea. Still one pancake? Why no? But first forgive me, if you please, and god will forgive you. Let us sow what, then [pozhnem]
Failure was justified by the fact that conducting procession would destroy rights and interests of other citizens.
The organizers of action declared, that the procession is planned exceptionally as human rights, but not as carnival.
It was necessary to solve parade after the city, on the vacant land, where the sex- minorities would be in sight only in those, who desire on them [smotret].[Soglasen] itself almost completely. To advertise sexual minorities in the daytime among the city on the eyes in children - is absolutely amoral. But not all so is unambiguous with the adult. Much whom much what does not please itself, and much coma on much what does not please itself to look. If we attempt ourselves to please to all, much that is what [priydetsya] to forbid.
Singer discharged the dancer, with whom to her assign romantic relations. Christine [Orbakayte], after becoming official the wife of the American of the Russian origin of Mikhail [Zemtsov], was placed point in the relations with another man. As known your DAY from the reliable sources became, Christine discharged dancer Vasiliy [Rutka], with whom her long-standing relations connected.
Stately young person appeared in the association [Orbakayte] as and many other dancers it it arrived from the show- ballet Of [todes] at the end of the 90's. But the relations between the famous singer and the daughter Of [ally] By [pugachevoy] and no one not well-known boy from the deaf Belorussian village were tied not immediately.
Young people, which is called, for long looked at each other. Likable young person, which by several years younger Cristina, drew her attention. And sequential time, when in singer arose differences with the then husband by Ruslan [Baysarov], VA proved to be a number.
Specifically, this young person became the reason for the very widespread scandal between [Orbakayte] and [Baysarovym], which led to the crash of their family life. Then at the presentation of the new album of singer May in the entertaining complex crystal Ruslan became the random witness of that how his own wife he flirts with the dancer. The reaction Of [baysarova] to that seen was sharp. The point was set on this in their family life. But here relations with The the [vasey], on the contrary, had a continuation.
Soon after [Orbakayte] it parted with The the [baysarovym], they with Vasiliy ceased to hide their relations from other members of the association.
They frequently together left from the concerts and the surveys. But after a certain time Of [rutka] went to the increase it he became the administrator of the dear singer. [Alla] Of [borisovna] was categorically against this attachment of daughter, but to change situation when entire its desired and influence on Cristina it did not can.
Thus it continued until in the life of Cristina appears Mikhail [Zemtsov] and it becomes understandable that these are fleeting novel, but the relations, which in the course of time can end by wedding. [Misha] began not only everywhere to accompany [Orbakayte] in Moscow, but also to drive with it on the tour. In Cristina and [Vasi] remained only working relations. It continued further to work with Cristina. But when Christine it officially married [Zemtsova], it made the decision difficult for itself to discharge Vasiliy. Young person disappeared from the life of well-known singer so unnoticeably as appeared.
For the Ukraine in [Verki] [Serdyuchkya]'s means and that occupied the second place, acknowledged between that Andrey [Danilko], who appeared on “the Euro-vision” that it is very deeply distressed by the scandal, which occurred at the competition in Helsinki. “I am ready to cry from that how me now they lynch entire coma not laziness, acknowledged artist in the interview for publication “your day”. - It is strange, it was necessary so to substitute to whom me and to venture this scandal. I already thousand times repeated, that I did not sing “Rasch, [gudbay]”, and, if it is honest, even it got tired this to repeat constantly for a period of recent several ws”. According to [Danilko], this history knocked out it from the track; however, at the subconsious level it has long ago become accustomed to such impacts of fate. “Ten years ago to me were, probably bad, and now I already became accustomed to the rules of game, said singer. - Finally, I represented not the Ukraine, but its culture. For me Russia, Belorussia and the Ukraine - this one whole. I wanted to show moreover that the Ukraine - this is not only revolution Maydanas. I wanted to report, that there there are merry people. For me “the Euro-vision” was of the specific kind mission”.
In turn, “new Proceedings” publish the details of explosion in the cafe “amber” on the market in g. To [orske] of Orenburg region, which thundered on Sunday it in the evening and involved large fire with the total area of 180 sq. meters. According to the data of publication, among those been killed there were five men even five women, including the 21- summer mistress of the institution of Helen [Lunkov], her friend and girl -[barmen]. And the first findings, made by inspectors on the spot of incident, made it necessary to think about the criminal nature of explosion. Thus, on one of the bodies, found at the selection of obstructions, was discovered knife injury. Furthermore, by suspicious seemed the arrangement of the corpses: they all were located in one and the same place - in the counter of bar. As reported source in UVD of Orenburg region, “for inspectors only is in prospect to explain that occurred in the cafe “amber” earlier - explosion or fire, indeed cottons, which heard the witnesses of tragedy, they could cause the being exploded gas tanks”. In this case one of the basic is the version about the fact that the visitors of cafe were killed even to the explosion and the fire. “There exists two main versions of the reasons for the fact that occurred in the cafe, random fire and intentional arson, added source. - It is not possible to exclude and the version of the fact that on that ill-fated night in the cafe “amber” could occur the criminal dismantlings between the representatives of different ethnic groupings. However, most likely, if dismantlings took place, then their reason was the fact that someone did not subdivide with cafe itself”.
Volver of arriba
Registrado: 28 Ene 2006
Mensajes: 112
Publicado: Mie of May 16, 2007 1:36 pm Asunto:
Ya tengo of deberes of que of hacer of para of cuando of tenga of tiempo…
Volver of arriba
Muy currado buik pero ya puestos lo podrías haber puesto en español
:wink: :wink:
ja ja ja ja ja ja!
me partooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
noooooooooo, es broma!
quiero decir que probablemente buick haya encontrado in traductor que traduce regular al inglers, probablemente no al español!
pero yo he averiguado que mas o menos va de eso que dice en la traduccion de buick , mas o menos hablan de religion, bailarinas y cantantes , me voy me vengo , de verdad pegaso , nada importante!!!!!
don,t worry !!!!!!!!!
y eso de que hamilton , ja ja ja! aun me rio!
hay mucho bromista por aqui ultimamente!
pero digo el 99 por ciento , los mejores! tu sabes!
saludos y besos
Al final habrá que tener un doctorado para entrar en el foro....![]()
fab! thank you novel! Happy to see on board the old members like you , Sipoton, Nietze or legal ass.Formula One was a good working experience for me, but now I would love to try Costa del Sol.Seev you!Iniciado por novelbcn
обеспокоены сотрудничеством России и Мьянмы в сфере атомной энергетики. Представитель Госдепартамента США Том Кейси сказал, что не понимает причины, по которой РФ решила заняться строительством исследовательского атомного реактора в Мьянме. По его словам, Мьянма не имеет разрешения на эксплуатацию подобных объектов со стороны международных организаций, передает Reuters. Африканской стране придется проделать еще много работы, прежде чем США согласятся на строительство реактора на территории Мьянмы, заверил Т.Кейси.Iniciado por Francizcka
¿Son chicas radioactivas?concerned with the cooperation of Russia and Myanmar in the area of atomic energy. The representative of the U.S. Department of State Tom Casey said that he did not understand the reason why Russia has decided to build a renuclear reactor in Myanmar. He said Myanmar does not have a permit to operate such facilities from international organizations, transmits Reuters. African country would still have a lot of work to be done before the United States would agree to the construction of the reactor on the territory of Myanmar assured T. Casey.
Francsiza, o como te llames. Suerte en la costa del sol