Membresia 2 Estrellas
Hey guys, I need again your help.I need the name of the best gym for two russian girls.It has to be clean and with a big pool.City center.
Thank you!
Holmes place
Holmes place is the best, good quality for price and very clean.Is near Felinabcn...
Membresia 2 Estrellas
Thank you D.Dancing but is very far.Legolas recommendation is perfect! Thank you Lego!
Membresia 4 Estrellas
Hi Francizcka, one of the best gym in Barcelona is Arsenal or Iradier, but if you want to enjoy a big pool, contact with www.dir.es in Daigonal av. Also, Arsenal is in Via Augusta, 43 tel. 932187300,excellent. And Iradier in Iradier street, 18 bis, telf: 93 254 1717, in this last one I pay more than 100€ per month but is the best in Barcelona.
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Let me know if you need more information.....
Membresia 2 Estrellas
Thank you Travesura_Bela!
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