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Tema: I have changed my mind

  1. #1
    Membresia 2 Estrellas Avatar de Francizcka
    Fecha de Ingreso
    29 oct, 06
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes

    I have changed my mind

    Yesterday night I´ve been in the Pub 240, a place with notorious kudos on this board.I-t w-a-s t-e-r-r-i-f-i-c.Thank you to all of you for this magnificent recommendation.Now I will consider very seriously to suspend my addy on guiadeluxe.You dont need the internet in Barcelona in order to work, 240 is just fantastic!
    There I have knew a lot of girls from my homeland, and let me tell you guys that I feel very comfy in your city.I love Barcelona!
    If you want to know me, just go to 240 and ask the guys from the bar for ADA.It´s my name there.Thank you to Forosx for such a good help.Now a have a good flat and a good place to work, I love you guys, Thank you so much.

  2. #2
    Membresia 1 Estrella
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 oct, 06
    Agradecido 20 veces en 8 mensajes

    I feel happy about it

    Hi Franciczka!

    First of all, I feel happy about what i have read, the fact that you feel confortable and that you like the 240 pub.

    Second, i feel happy too, cause my little recommendation for you about 240 has been helpful.

    Finally, I will visit that place, 240, on next thursday 23 night, over 22 - 23 h, and I hope to have the pleasure of knowing you and have a nice talk and maybe more.

    Have a nice days till next thursday.

  3. #3
    Membresia 1 Estrella Avatar de Enzo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 oct, 05
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes

    Re: I feel happy about it

    Cita Iniciado por Qualitysex
    Hi Franciczka!

    First of all, I feel happy about what i have read, the fact that you feel confortable and that you like the 240 pub.

    Second, i feel happy too, cause my little recommendation for you about 240 has been helpful.

    Finally, I will visit that place, 240, on next thursday 23 night, over 22 - 23 h, and I hope to have the pleasure of knowing you and have a nice talk and maybe more.

    Have a nice days till next thursday.
    Migliore enjoy yourself till next thursday, fa male a l´ochio...

  4. #4
    Membresia 2 Estrellas Avatar de Francizcka
    Fecha de Ingreso
    29 oct, 06
    Agradecido 0 veces en 0 mensajes

    Re: I feel happy about it

    Cita Iniciado por Qualitysex
    Hi Franciczka!

    First of all, I feel happy about what i have read, the fact that you feel confortable and that you like the 240 pub.

    Second, i feel happy too, cause my little recommendation for you about 240 has been helpful.

    Finally, I will visit that place, 240, on next thursday 23 night, over 22 - 23 h, and I hope to have the pleasure of knowing you and have a nice talk and maybe more.

    Have a nice days till next thursday.
    YES!!! Thank you! Send me an email and I will wait for you inside the club.

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